Friday 14 November 2008

chapter 4

Okies, I quite like this chapter. I think that I am getting better. um... not much else to say... have fun!

well, I rode the bike and she ran as fast as she possibly could to keep up. I was going out of my way to make sure she got home safely, I wasnt exactly gonna give her all the privilages, was I?

"so..." she panted, "how. old. are. you. any. way?"

I thought about lying, but I would have just told her the first number that came into my head. Somehow I doubted that she would have belived that I was 3476. So I settled on the truth: "I am 14. Year nine."

She tried to grin, but it was too much effort. I decided that maybe I should slow down a little. "Me too!" she said, "you got a girlfriend?"

My heart thumped. Maybe it was all the extra exercise. "Not at the moment." I replyed, doing my best to keep my cool.

Not ever. Unless you count Neela Rehman. We went out for like, three seconds before the mars bar finished. HONESTLY what is it with the mars bars??? they arent even that nice. they have caramel in. I could go on like this for hours. lol. Oh and, does that girl in my form count? I have kissed her in my dreams.... wow, I am jelouse of her... oh wait, she is like, totally me. darn, I wasnt supposed to give that bit away... lol.

"really?" WELL DUH! "good."


"Might be." ok, what the hell???? I am positive that she was gonna say yes then. my hands were held above the y e s keys. but they never touched them. CONFUZELIFIED!!!! "so, how about school? Dont you just wish that it would hurry up and SINK already?"

"I go to Darwen vale comp," I tell her, "Its a loony bin." Seriously, I am like the only sane one there. oh and that girl in her form. YAY ME!!!

her eyes shone, "isnt that where the kids stab each other on stage regularry?? And the teachers only last up too 23 seconds??"

"Um.. with the stabbing thing... I think that you are thinking of Ruby Mammoth high school. And as for the teacher thing, some of them used to have pet dinosors for flippin hells sake." Eg. Mrs pearson.

"I wish I went somewhere cool like that." Cat appeared to have missed all that I had just said. "I want fun and exitment and lessons in pole dancing. Not sewing on state of the art sewing machines or interactive witeboards showing diagrams of the reproductive system or lessons in fencing."

"you wouldnt like Darwen Vale," I tell her, "trust me. Fun and exitment are not on the time table. And neither is pole dancing." THATS WHAT YOU KNOW!!!

"They would if I was there." What, the fun and exitement or the pole dancing????

We stop in front of a victorean building. I count the floors: one, two..... oh three. well ha, I thought, ours has 10!!! Then I realised that she lived in all the floors and we barely lived in one. oh darn.

She walks up the path to her door then turns back to look at me still stood on the pavement before the garden, "you coming in?" She turns back unlocks the door and walks inside. After half a minuet, she comes back out again. I am still stood in the same place.

"Its ok," she laughs," Dad works late on a Thursday and mum's at her yoga class." lol... yoga...

She shows me around her house. It is totally like, bigger on the inside. like the tardis... maybe David Tennant will be there. Then I could get his autograph for that girl in my form. I heard that she likes Doctor Who. Not that I have been reading up on her or anything.... lol.

"I hate this place." Cat says.

"Swap you then. Any day. Let me live in fairytopia and you can live in a pile of sheep and cow hybrid poo. if you dont get that, speak to Jordan Picken.

"So.. you live with Lime then? Occasionally a cardboard box, occasionally a bus stop. Or, if you are really lucky, a bus station."

"High-rise block, Eden Estate, I say bleakly, "ninth floor."

"wow," She sighs and goes all daydreamy and for some reason I fell the urge to squirt some orange juice up her nose. Not exactly the reaction I was expecting.

Eventually she snaps out of it. After forcing me to resist that incredibly strong urge (it had been mad even harder to resit as there was a carton of juice with the straw sticking out next to me and it was totally, like, looking at me.) for about an hour.

"So, where do you live, exactly?" She asks as if that whole hour had not happned. Maybe she was long micro-sleeping.

"Nightnengale house," I tell her before I realise what I have just told her. "Dont you dare come to visit. Not only will my mum not give you tea, but it is dodgy round there. I mean it." She just laughed at me and slided further up the sofa toward me.

"I like you mouse," She tells me. "Your funny. And cute."

She leans toward me and I lean in to her. I get the feeling that I amway out of my depth; I never went this far with Neela. I can feel her breath on mine and our lips are almost touching and I am wondering how you breath whilst you are kissing when the front door slams. Cat and I leap apart.

"Cat?" Calls a woman's voice. "Is that you? I thought you would still be at drama club!I forgot my yoga mat so..... oh! Who's this?"

A small, striking black woman stands in the kitchen doorway, eyes narrowed. She looks at me like I am a piece of that hybrid poo that I metaphoricly live in.

"Hello, I am Mai, Catrin's mum. And you are...?"

I flew into a standing position, "just leaving."

"His nam's Ben. Ben Smith."

"Alright then, I totally have to go now. It was nice meeting you." And I zoom zoomed out of the room and down the street; on my way to a whole different planet.

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